[aprssig] Northern Virginia - WIDE1-1

wa7nwp at jnos.org wa7nwp at jnos.org
Wed Feb 8 15:20:00 EST 2006

We need a lot more WIDE1-1 fill-ins.

Granted I'm biased since I picked up a D7 and I don't like to use the long
antenna since it pokes me the armpit -- still, there are stations around
(this area at least) on the air but not running as fillins.

> see a lot of people trying to use WIDE (obsolete)
> RELAY (obsolete) and some using WIDE1-1 that
> may not be getting out because there may not be a
> FILL-IN digi running as WIDE1-1.. in that area.

I sent out some test packets yesterday from a fairly high level home station.


The only one of the bunch that resulted in a digi, that I saw, was the
RELAY path.   :-(

Time to have some coffee with the neighbors around here.

Bill - WA7NWP

PS.  For those SAR airplanes, how about using them as TEMPn-N digis?

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