[aprssig] In car power solution for GPS 18

Gregg Wonderly gregg at wonderly.org
Sat Aug 12 18:55:27 EDT 2006

John Gleichweit wrote:
> I agree. Most GPS units take such a miniscule amount of power that it would
> take several days of operation to run the battery down. If you do want to
> run an auxiliary battery to run just the GPS, and possibly the TNC and XCVR,
> then you'd need a charge regulator like what West Mountain has.
> http://www.westmountainradio.com/SuperPWRgate.htm has all the charging
> circuitry to keep from overcharging the battery.

My GPS uses 90mA.  A 9v battery is 120mAH.  Maybe newer ones do better...

Gregg Wonderly

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