[aprssig] UI-DIGI dupe

John Ronan jronan at tssg.org
Fri Apr 7 09:05:17 EDT 2006


When coming back to the office today I heard 4 beeps to indicate my  
position packet had been rebroadcast 4 times.  This shouldn't have  
happened ( think), so I had a look at the trace which I had running  
and I picked out the packets below.

2m: fm EI7IG-9 to UR1UQW via WIDE1-1 WIDE2-1 ctl UIv pid=F0(Text) len  
26 13:47:50
0000  `}`vm_K>/]"4?}John, EI7IG.
2m: fm EI7IG-9 to UR1UQW via EI3RCW-4* WIDE2-1 ctl UI pid=F0(Text)  
len 26 13:47:50
0000  `}`vm_K>/]"4?}John, EI7IG?

2m: fm EI7IG-9 to UR1UQW via EI3RCW-4* EI2MLD* WIDE2 ctl UI pid=F0 
(Text) len 26 13:47:53
0000  `}`vm_K>/]"4?}John, EI7IG?

2m: fm EI7IG-9 to UR1UQW via EI2TTD* WIDE2-1 ctl UI pid=F0(Text) len  
26 13:47:55
0000  `}`vm_K>/]"4?}John, EI7IG.

2m: fm EI7IG-9 to UR1UQW via EI2TTD* EI2MLD* WIDE2 ctl UI pid=F0 
(Text) len 26 13:47:56
0000  `}`vm_K>/]"4?}John, EI7IG.

EI2MLD and EI3RCW-4 are NSR digi's so they are doing what they are  
supposed to, but I would have thought that EI2MLD the UI-DIGI node  
wouldn't have sent the packet on the second time. Or am I making an  
incorrect assumption?

I'm going to look for the config file for EI2MLD, but I'm pretty sure  
its set up as specified in fix14439.


de John

John Ronan <jronan at tssg.org>, +353-51-302938
Telecommunications Software &  Systems Group,  http://www.tssg.org

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