[aprssig] AJ3U-5 Sat Packets
Stan Coleman [NØYXV]
n0yxv at gihams.org
Tue Sep 27 13:24:45 EDT 2005
Saying that we have a Radio hobby and not an internet hobby is like trying to
say that antennas don’t need towers or structures to support them. Yes we use
antennas in our hobby but we also need towers to support those antennas. If you
ignore the fact that towers support antennas you’ll probably wind up with a
bunch of scrap metal in your back yard. The APRS design concept is nothing
without the internet and servers that support the RF side.
I’m not trying to start a flaming war just expressing my opinion.
Quoting Steve Dimse <steve at dimse.com>:
> On Sep 27, 2005, at 12:39 PM, aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl wrote:
> > 1) APRS IS is not the goal of APRS, it is a nice tool to collect a
> > global image
> > and try to communicate over a long distance, the same goes for
> > findu.com, the
> > first priorety should be the RF side, we have a RADIO hobby, not an
> > internet
> > hobby.
> I'd phrase it differently: the APRS IS and findU are integral parts
> of APRS, rather than the goal. The design of APRS is intended to
> integrate satellite, VHF, HF, and internet into a seamless whole.
> APRS is a communication hobby... amateur radio is an important part
> of it, but people who choose to participate solely on internet are
> still members of the hobby.
> It is important is to realize that there many ways to participate in
> and view APRS, and it is wrong to try to claim your view is the
> right, or only, way. There is enough room for everyone.
> Steve K4HG
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