[aprssig] Re: UI-View Bashing

Steve Jones steve.jones at rogers.com
Thu Oct 13 19:45:47 EDT 2005

On Oct 13, 2005, at 2:57 PM, Robert Bruninga wrote:

> <steve.jones at rogers.com>
>>> 3) There is an add-on to UIview that does this, but
>>>     only a small percentage of people use it.
>> So what are the number of people using the add-on
>> vs the number of  people not using the add-on?
>> Got any real concrete number to back up your "facts"?
> Sure, anyone can do it.  I just did it...
> I just captured the APRS-IS stream for an hour and 20
> minutes and sorted out 1768 different UIview stations.
> Of those, then I did a string search for PHG, and only
> 145 of those stations are transmitting PHG.
> Thats about  8%.  Which is why I used the term
> "only a small percentage" of UIview stations are
> transmitting PHG

No, you said that only a small percentage of UI-View people are using  
the add-on.

You didn't mention that to use it they had to be transmitting PHG.

There's probably a fair number of people out there using the add-on  
but not transmitting PHG.

Steve <steve.jones at rogers.com>

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