[aprssig] Elmer 160 and Simply Mepis new release disks available

Brian Riley brianbr at mac.com
Tue Oct 11 11:56:46 EDT 2005

Simply Mepis 3.3.2 final release candidate has been made available  
and I have acquired a copy and checked it out. The word so far on the  
forums is that there is likely little change expected. Anyway, its  
available at Ye Olde Disk Shoppe  if anyone wants a copy.

The PIC Resources disk for Elmer 160 has just (10/10/05) been  
updated. It has MPLAB 7.21 (in addition to 6.32 and 6.62) and I added  
significantly updated reference materials for the IDE. It has all  
current Elmer 160 lessons and sources (through lesson 17) , the  
recent updates to PICELGEN and SWEEPGEN as well as the raft of other  
PICEL projects, several updated notes and mods for running other than  
16F84A, and a dozen or so new PIC projects added to the 80-90 MB of  
projects that were on the disk already.

I am currently working on a massive overhaul of the Basic Stamp/ 
UbicomSX chip Resources Disk, look for that in another week or two.  
This will be exciting, there's a lot of new developments especially  
in the SX world with a vastly updated SX/B free compiler, and  
complete CPU boards with SX48/52 for next to nothing price. There are  
all kinds of new projects out there useful across a broad spectrum of  


cheers ... 73 de brian  riley,  n1bq , underhill center, vermont
   <n1bq at wulfden.org>

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