[aprssig] APRS in Atlanta

John Ronan aprssig at ei7ig.org
Tue Oct 11 08:59:09 EDT 2005

On 11 Oct 2005, at 12:53, Christensen, Eric H wrote:

> I apologize as I said a blanket statement.

I was only pulling your leg...

> I see a lot of TRACE7-7,WIDE7-7
Oh yes.. and don't forget WIDE7-7, WIDE7-7, WIDE7-7 :)

> paths across the pond which is a path that simply doesn't make any  
> sense.
Unfortunately, under lift conditions we see it on RF here in EI.  If  
I happen to be on and see it (we have little enough traffic that I  
can actually watch the channel), I try education.  It works most of  
the time.  UIDIGI with the WIDEN-N settings and the software digi's/ 
igates running javAPRS are able to deal with it  with relatively  
little impact on the network here.

Then again, we are in a small country, and only have 3 really high,  
wide coverage digis, and relatively few WIDE1-1 (2) types at the  
moment, giving coverage over most of the country.  And, relatively  
few users.

> But I never hear people complaining about such activity other than  
> here in
> the US.
I could make a disparaging comment, but I will resist :)

de John

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