[aprssig] REF: APRS on 6m

Matthew Stennett wa4tkg at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 24 00:38:44 EST 2005

I Operated 6M FM; 1200BPS in Tokyo for quite some
It was an EXCELLENT BAND for LOCAL , around town use. 

I don't believe I ever heard much in the way of band
for 6m FM Packet, but then again, I wasn't on the air
all the time.
(I managed LOADS of DX / Band Openings several years
on Okinawa, with a 3Element CushCraft Yagi)
Anyway, this would be a GOOD, LOCAL use Packet
Band, if you care to do it.
I've considered it myself, but there is barely any
local 2M
FM Packet as it is, much less getting on 6; I'd be the
one on.  (like that guy on 7.105MHz; 300BPS; 24/7)
If enough people start up on a Simplex freq, I'm SURE
we could get something going.
MacRatt Matt; Previously
" The ONLY APRS Station in Japan "  (tm) (c;

> Just to clarify, I was intending long wave comms,
> not skip.
> 73 de Pat --- KA9SCF
> > Bill Vodall WA7NWP wrote:
> > >
> > >>   Is this being done?  Is there an APRS channel
> on 6m?  I think that
> > >> running mobile on 6m would be better than 2m? 
> Is the noise too high
> > >> on this band?
> > >
> > >
> > > Set up an Igate and use 50.62 MHz.   You might
> even get lucky and see a
> > > Propnet DX packet or two (every year...)
> > >
> > > Bill
> > >
> > >______________________________-
> > 6 meters can be used for local communications.
> > Cant figure out why most think it is only for long
> distant skip.
> > The Military does not use it for long distance.
> > Dale
> > Nevada

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