[aprssig] Compilation Disks Updated

Brian Riley brianbr at mac.com
Sun Nov 6 23:36:10 EST 2005

Due to a number of updates to the MPLAB IDE and various Parallax  
IDEs  both the Basic Stamp Resources and the Elmer 160/PIC Resources  
disks have been updated. The Basic Stamp Resources disk has undergone  
a major overhaul with over 150 MB of new material and a complete  

As always the disks are available from Ye Olde Disk Shoppe at <http:// 
www.wulfden.org/DiskShop.shtml> . All of the disk orders from Friday  
11/4/2005 forward will receive the updated versions of  the disks.

     cheers ... 73 de brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
     brianbr at wulfden.org

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