[aprssig] Found a slight problem --

AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Sun May 22 07:02:27 EDT 2005

Reviewing his raw packets, it looks like his station locked on to this
position at 5/21/2005 22:53 UTC and then recovered at 5/22/2005 09:07
UTC.  This position was gated, uninterrupted, by numerous IGates.
Therefore, the problem was most likely with N5ANP's station.

Something to consider: the US government periodically runs GPS jamming
tests covering up to 300 nm radiuses from the Los Alamos area (check FAA
Notices to Airmen).  It is possible they were doing this yesterday
evening and caused his GPS to lock up.  Another possibility would be the
GPS losing lock for other reasons.  All of this is speculation, however.
The one sure fact is that the problem was either in his station or in
the first digi he was hitting.  Since most of the digis in NM are TNC
digis, I would wager that the problem was with his station, probably in
the GPS.


Pete Loveall AE5PL
mailto:pete at ae5pl.net 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Earl Needham
> Posted At: Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:54 PM
> Subject: [aprssig] Found a slight problem --
>          N5ANP-1>UQRV2U,TAOSKI*,WIDE3-2,qAo,K0QED:`~)z1k/>"Gc}
>          This station is showing in Canada, but obviously is 
> not in Canada, but somewhere near Taos, New Mexico.  I'm not 
> sure who to approach about getting this fixed...

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