[aprssig] dead band

kc0atc at frii.com kc0atc at frii.com
Sat May 21 10:26:56 EDT 2005

> javAPRSSrvr does not send a beacon and should not use the same

According to what I see on my own 14508 port
I am sending out periodic transmissions on both R and I
labeled javAPRSIgate.

My javAPRSSrcr/javAPRSIgate has a connection to second.aprs.net:14580
for igating (KC0ATC-JS with no filter).  My xastir is pointed to a second
local ax.25 port and to arizona.aprs2.net:14580 (KC0ATC-1 with the filter
now changed to an 'r' filter as suggested).  And I have disabled
transmitting in xastir.

I didn't have any incoming RF traffic overnight, so I'm assuming
somehow arizona forgot where I was.  But the 'r' filter will take
care of that.

Is there something I should be doing differently?

p.s.  I actually had a customer!  A tracker came through last week
and the Igate worked and everything.


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