[aprssig] UIdigi settings for New-N

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed May 18 10:45:47 EDT 2005

Yes, with the new setting of how the has-been
digipeated bit gets set, this workaround is no
longer needed.  The only thing you need in the
ALIAS lists are the big paths you want to trap.

>>> aprs at almostanywhere.com 5/18/2005 10:01:50 AM >>>
I just want to clarify some things that Ron, N5IN has posted recently.

We do not need to include WIDE1-1 in the UIDigiCall (Uidigi) parameter 

to get it to work as required/expected.
Is that correct?

My copy of UIDIGI.TXT v1.9b3 has the following

// UIFLOOD Algorithm flag  (default 0)
//  bit 0 make call substitution after the last WIDEn-n digied
//  bit 1 insert callsign before WIDEn-n
// UIFLDfl [n]

UIFLOODOptions         =       1

// UITRACE Algorithm flag (default 0)
//  bit 0 makes call substitution after the last TRACEn-n digied
//  bit 1 Disables
// UITRFl [n]

UITRACEOptions          =       0


I don't understand where
UIFLOODOptions = 4
UITRACEOptions = 2

are coming from.
Is there another version or something newer that I have not been able 

to find?

Bruce W. Martin, KQ4TV
Trustee for NT4UX
Nashville Linux User Group - Amateur Radio- Special Interest Group

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