[aprssig] Re: WIDEn-N and the New Paradigm for UIDIGI

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sun May 15 12:37:39 EDT 2005

I think all of your options below kill the idea
that we are promoting of mobiles using the path
of WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 whree WIDE1-1 is a literal
repalcement for the original RELAY.

It has all the benefits of the old RELAY but none of
the dupes if multiple digis hear it.  Any decrementing
of 1-1 to 1-0 and *not* marking with a * will kill
this two-entry type of path.

Now you can make an exception for 1-1 if you want.
and always mark it as * when it gets to 1-0.  THis
will solve your problme yet also let you truncate
abusive Wn-n,Wn-n,Wn-n paths...


>>> henk.de.groot at hetnet.nl 5/15/2005 11:21:55 AM >>>
Hello Bob,

Robert Bruninga schreef:
> WIDE2-2  original
> WIDE2-1  1st hop
> WIDE2     2nd hop
> WIDE2*   3rd hop but only by another UIDIGI ROM
> Now that the WIDE2 will be marked as used on its
> first appearance, this also solves that problem too.

In the rules I published for DIGI_NED I leave the last WIDE2 unmarked.

Reason is to terminate packets like:


Now after the 2nd hop the packet will have become:


The assumption is that no digi will take WIDE2 and this will render the

rest of the path (the next WIDE2-2) useless and therefore avoids QRM.
of course this only works if no digi responds to an unmarked WIDE2 with

zero SSID.

Question is if I should leave it this way. There are a few other

An option is it to rewite the whole path, which will strip any
calls in the path. So after the first hop the packet above becomes:


Any trailing calls are removed. Reason I do not like this is because I

want to keep trailing NOGATE and RFONLY calls that may appear in the
like this:


rewriting the whole path looses those calls too.

A third option is to rename WIDE2 at the last hop to avoid any DIGI to
on it, for example name it WIDE2T.

So I have 4 options to choose from:

1) Classic: Leave a WIDE2*, this will work but does not prevent abuse
to mutilple WIDE2-2's in the path, the 2nd hop packet looks like this:

    USER>APRS,DIGI1*,DIGI2*,WIDE2*,<remaining calls>

2) Leave the WIDE2 unmarked - the majority of digipeaters will leave it

alone, but not all, the 2nd hop packet looks like this:

    USER>APRS,DIGI1*,DIGI2*,WIDE2,<remaining calls>

3) Leave a WIDE2* and strip any remaining calls (including RFONLY and 
NOGATE), the 2nd hop packet looks like this:


4) On the last hop leave an unmarked WIDE2T (WIDE2 Terminated), no digi

will recognize that and the remainder of the path is not used any
by any digipeater.

    USER>APRS,DIGI1*,DIGI2*,WIDE2T,<remaining calls>

What do you think is the best option? Currently I used option 2) but as
see this will sometimes not prevent further processing of the packet.
does the Kantronics firmware do? I like option 4 the most since it
everywhere, but it is DIGI_NED specific as no TNC can do the same

Kind regards,


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