[aprssig] APRS Message Idea

Phillip B. Pacier ad6nh at arrl.net
Fri Mar 4 18:20:36 EST 2005

John Kraus wrote:

> I beg to disagree Bob is absolutely correct on this issue.
> I have used both programs in real world application and the decay 
> algorithm works the way Bob says it does.  It also has the positive 
> effect that he attributes to it.
> UI-View's implementation of messaging is broke busted and completely 
> falls apart under stress.
> Don't believe me.

Nope.  Because I have done just what you suggest.

> Get on a quiet channel and try UI-View, APRSDOS, APRS+, xastir side by 
> side.  Send the same messages from each system and measure the length 
> of time and number of packets it takes to get the message through.  
> Then get on 144.39 and do the same test.   UI-View will bust it's nose 
> when it falls flat on its face.
> And I get really tired of folks that slam Bob for pointing out the 
> failure of user programs to deliver the result he designed into the 
> system.
> Don't get me wrong I like UI-View and use it for my IGATE.  But when 
> the fertilizer is in the wind I reach for Xastir or APRSdos to send 
> messages.

I have done this very test, and I have found that it works quite well.  
I guess I know how to use the program in a way that other do not.  
Whatever the reason, Bob is not absolutely correct on this.

Enough said.

Phil - AD6NH

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