[aprssig] Universal digi path

Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf2 at aol.com
Fri Jun 17 18:54:18 EDT 2005

n4qwf at ntelos.net wrote:

>I posed the question more to see if I could get from here to there. It
>appears that unless you are trying to get to a well populated area you are
>out of luck. 

>I don't know the answer to how folks without
>high speed internet can get out back home but for the APRS system to work
>like I thought it was meant to some method should be available. I leave it
>to those that control the network to ponder. 73's << John
This is because you have an unrealistic expectation of what APRS is 
intended to do....

First and foremost, APRS is intended to be a LOCAL network for support 
of support of LOCAL activities such as SAR, parades, marathons, storm 
spotting, etc  that need real-time  information on the location of 
relatively local assets.   The Internet system DOES make it possible to 
"eavesdrop" on this activity from a distance but APRS was never intended 
to be a long-range universal AVL (automatic vehicle location) system.

Stephen H. Smith             wa8lmf (at) aol.com
Home Page:                   http://wa8lmf.com

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