[aprssig] Oh Gawd --- Google's gone over to the dark side ! BackingBPL !

Doug Younker dougy at ruraltel.net
Sat Jul 16 02:32:27 EDT 2005

OK my mistake; Developing/developed technology that does *not* create HF
interference is also called BPL is what I meant to type.  google bpl
motorola, the name of one other I read about escapes me at the moment,
Doug, N0LKK
 ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Drew Baxter" <droobie at maine.rr.com>
To: "Doug Younker" <dougy at ruraltel.net>; "TAPR APRS Mailing List"
<aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2005 1:00 AM
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Oh Gawd --- Google's gone over to the dark side !
BackingBPL !

: I believe that BPL is normally Broadband over Power Line.  I'm not
: aware of other things that use the term when talking about
: broadband.  Google and IBM are two companies that are pushing this now.
: I've seen enough videos and signal tests and whatnot to definitely
: not like the idea.
: --Droo, K1XVM

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