[aprssig] More digis are changing to the new paradigm

Earl Needham needhame1 at plateautel.net
Mon Jul 4 22:06:11 EDT 2005

At 07:54 PM 7/4/2005, Tom Russo wrote:
>On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 07:34:54PM -0600, we recorded a bogon-computron 
>collision of the <needhame1 at plateautel.net> flavor, containing:
> >         As a comparison, my ALOHA circle runs about 200 miles most days,
> > IF I elect to see the digis in New Mexico.  if I exclude the digis, I 
> can't
> > even get UI-ALOHA to generate an ALOHA circle, there are too few stations
> > out this way.
>Ignoring digis in the ALOHA calculation is sorta meaningless, since it's the
>digis that help saturate the channel.  Does UI-ALOHA take that into account?

         Yes, if I show the digis I get the circle.  without the digis, I 
don't.  UI-ALOHA uses whatever packets UI-View32 sees and does not exclude, 
according to whatever exclusions are set up via a menu.

         Take a look at these -- the first is what I was seeing earlier 
without the digis, and the second includes the digis.  The difference is 
easy to see.



         What I'm starting to think, and this idea isn't fully developed 
yet, is that maybe we don't need to see the digis so often, and maybe we 
don't need to see them with such a path.  Or with ANY path, I'm still 
trying to develop this into something coherent!  <G>

> >         Wow, that's a LOT.  Where do they come from?  Nevada, Utah,
> > Colorado, or maybe all of these plus more?
>Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Texas, Arizona, Kansas and Oklahoma.  There are a fair
>number in New Mexico, of course, but they're in the minority.  A mobile 
>in Kansas got its posits to my station via a 3-hop digi path, a distance of
>487 miles.

         Gee, I never see that stuff here.  The most I ever see in Kansas 
are those few digis.  The path from there apparently goes way north of me 
through the digi at Des Moines.  There is no direct path from there to here.

         All I see in Colorado is usually W0WHE-4 and sometimes WB0JRG-7.
         NEVER see anything in Nevada, and only a couple of digis EVER show 
up in Utah, and they're rare.
         Arizona?  Sometimes I see the stuff the Motorola club has, but not 

         Of course, band enhancements change that a bit...


Earl Needham, KD5XB, Clovis, New Mexico DM84jk

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