[aprssig] ER-xxxxxx

agara agara at kantauri.com
Sat Jan 29 01:56:51 EST 2005

I agree with that project, this is a useful an necesary information in my opinion.
The unique problem is that there are a lot EchoLink nodes with bad coordinates. I see a lot of node in atlantic ocean... :-(

I don't know if that it's possible with other software but with Ui-View if someone connected to APRS-IS dont' want see ER-* or EL-* objects, he can put a filter in 'Include/Exclude lists'.

Using javAPRSSrvr filters and Include/Exclude lists in Ui-View, it's very easy to filter and classify information that you want to receive, but this is not possible if that information it's not sent.

In EAGIS (EA Global Information Server) that I'm developing, it's possible to send a message requesting the nearest EchoLink nodes positions and frequency.

Asier Garaialde, EB2FGI

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga at usna.edu>
Reply-To: TAPR APRS Mailing List <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 09:11:44 -0500

>>Who is placing all the EchoLink stations onto the APRS-IS?
>>There are reasons that some stations may not be able to 
>>have an "open" node for just anyone to use, and this could 
>>be troublesome to have to try to explain to potential users as 
>>to why it is listed, but not  working and on and on...
>To not appear on the map, just enter "0" for your lat/long.
>But for now, we have turned the experiment back off because
>of all the groussing by internet APRS types who dont like their
>maps cluttered.  Though in my opinion, APRS is not designed
>for the internet viewer (thats a niagra falls of information that
>is of no tactical value until zoomed in to an RF scale to 
>an area of interest)...
>APRS has as its end-user-objective, the real-time tactical
>data comunications in the field on RF for the mobile or 
>portable station or participating station in support of local
>activities, events and communications needs.
>>This should have been discussed before just dumping it 
>>out there. 
>The EchoLink and IRLP nodes have been doing this for
>years.  I first proposed it back at DCC in 2000 and many
>nodes have had their objects on the air for a long time.
>What we were trying to do here was get the data to the
>mobiles in a more consistent manner nor requring separate
>radios and TNC's at every node.
>>The next thing we have will be someone gating the stuff 
>>out onto the RF..
>Yes, that is the intent.  That is where the end users are.
>That is the APRS HAM radio operator on RF that needs 
>to know where his nearest EchoLink or IRLP node is and 
>what its Frequency is while he is mobile in a strange area.
>APRS is for providing local real-time data to operators on
>what is going on on VHF RF around them in their local
>area.  EchoLink and IRLP are a big part of today's
>HAM radio and they are LOCAL, just like APRS is local.
>We are trying to seamlessly provide APRS users in their
>vehicles, the info they need to establish comms with 
>another APRS operator, including DTMFing up an 
>EchoLink or IRLP voice link.
>>So much for Aloha or cutting down on unnecessary 
>Setting the paths for these objects to only cover the
>geographic area of a node is the key.  IGates should only
>serve these objects to the immediate area of the node.
>And IGates should cooperate so that only one is doing
>this for each node...
>aprssig mailing list
>aprssig at lists.tapr.org

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