[aprssig] APRS in SouthEast Ireland

John Ronan aprssig at ei7ig.org
Sun Jan 16 14:15:33 EST 2005

Hi there

On 16 Jan 2005, at 18:50, Robert Bruninga wrote:

> John,
> If TNC can only support one ALIAS make it WIDE
Thats what we reckoned, excellent.
> if it has multiple aliases use RELAY, WIDE, WIDE2-2 and ILAND2-2
> If it is a KPC-3+ with UIFLOOD and UITRACE support
> then make UITRACE be WIDE,30
> and make UIFLOOD be ILAND,30,NOID
> This will support users who use any of the APRS generic
> paths including WIDEn-N and ILANDn-N.  Eventually when
> you get more than about 100 users full time, then you
> can start doing some of them ore detailed stuff to cut down
> on interferece.

I've been reading your "Fixing the APRS Network" and other docs,  some 
very cool ideas in there, its obvious a lot of people have spend a lot 
of time discussing it.

Heh, I doubt there are 100 Packet users in EI never mind APRS users, if 
we get to 100 APRS users, I'll send you over a nice bottle of whiskey, 
how about that ?

de John

Bob, Wb4APR
> Then tell users to use the path of WIDE
>>>> aprssig at ei7ig.org 01/15/05 6:19 PM >>>
> Hi There,
> I've been experimenting with APRS in South East Ireland for just over
> 12 months now (packet is pretty much dead around here), slowly getting
> people interested. I've tried out the TinyTrackIII, PocketTracker,
> Opentrac, and recently took the plunge and purchased a TM-D700 (very
> nice radio I must say.. need the DMF keypad though).
> EI8JA and I wish to start building an APRS network infrastructure. We
> have access to a site (Mt Leinster) at 2600ft ASL and were going to
> start by putting a TNC with an alias of WIDE up there as it pretty much
> can see most of the South East of Ireland. I've been acting as an IGate
> for a good while now using xastir and have line of site to Mt Leinster.
> Anyways my question is this, as this is pretty much a green field site,
> what traps should we try and avoid falling into?  I would like to
> benefit from your wisdom and experience folks!
> I shall now return to digging in the archives.
> Regards
> de John
> --
> John Ronan <jronan at tssg dot org>, +353-51-302938
> Telecommunications Software &  Systems Group,  http://www.tssg.org
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John Ronan <jronan at tssg dot org>, +353-51-302938
Telecommunications Software &  Systems Group,  http://www.tssg.org

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