[aprssig] Unwanted IGATEing

Wes Johnston aprs at kd4rdb.com
Sun Jan 9 19:56:36 EST 2005

check the aprs spec, but I'm pretty sure that 3rd party packets are orininating
station and _his_ path, then ":" to separate path/headers from the data
portion, then the "}" character (or the "{"char, this is the part I'm unsure of
from memory), then the 3rd party call sign,path, and ":" and 3rd party's data. 
Everything after the "}" ( or "{" ) is run thru the same packet decoding
routines recursively.  In a nut shell, if you use the log file in any aprs
program, it will have discarded the local station doing the igating's info. 
you_must_ look at the raw output of the tnc!  this can be done in winAPRS under
the menu item "windows->terminal window", or in hyperterminal that comes with
every copy of windows.  Again, reviewing the LOG files or STATION list or
STATION data will not give you the callsign of the IGATEing station.

Then it's a matter of ID'ing the IGATE station and talking him into stopping or
budlisting him.


Quoting Chris Rose <kb8uih at sbcglobal.net>:

> Hello,
> The only packet I could begin to recover was from
> WD5RP>RELAY,TCPIP,N8NOE*092134z and then I didn't copy
> the rest, I use WinAPRS and it isn't keeping history
> of each station's packets.  Some I have several
> histories including my own but when I went looking for
> this data, the WD5 station was the only one there at
> this time.
> By the way, I got 51 packets from Tucumcari Digi
> Also CHNDLR KF6GMI 254 packets
> Several from Dallas,Ft. Worth; several from OK City,
> etc.
> In my case, the N8NOE station is gating this info in
> my state but I don't know why just these are getting
> up to me.  I will have to send him a note and see what
> is up and try to filter my input at my end.
> I am RF only so I am getting these over the air.
> Looks like KE5GD is gating all of these packets at
> your end.  WHOA!!  F5URO>WIDE7-5, wow, what a path.
> 73,
> Chris
> >          Look at these packets and you can see a
> > common callsign emerge...
> >
> > 08:38:30R
> > Port=1 <UI R Len=92>:
> > AF Museum*302319z3946.93N/08406.72W^Springfield St,
> > Riverside OH
> >
> > 07:22:30R
> > <UI R Len=64>:
> > 55Y A-P  *051551z4349.10N/09149.96W^
> >
> > 06:27:50R
> > Port=1 <UI R Len=64>:
> > ONA A-P  *051550z4404.68N/09142.60W^
> >
> > 05:45:42R
> > Port=1 <UI R
> > Len=95>:
> > 145-250  *11111113259.63N/08016.20W/ WA4USN RPT
> > Summerville. SC
> >
> > 07:39:29R
> > Port=1 <UI R
> > Len=96>:
> > CYOW     *121932z4519.35N/07540.60W^Ottawa
> > International Airport
> >
> > 08:23:40R
> > <UI R Len=102>:
> > AO51     *091524z2650.17N\07749.25WS193/999/ELEV =
> > 02/0  +0/R=03152/mode-
> >
> > Port=1 <UI R Len=92>:
> > UO22 1604*091553z6022.94N\08927.37WS180/539AOS at 29-07
> > 22:36 LOC
> >
> > 09:00:49R
> > <UI R Len=99>:
> > Moro Rock*162059z3632.65N/11845.85W/Moro Rock
> > Sequoia National Park
> >
> > 07:00:43R
> > <UI R Len=79>:
> > MtWhitney*162102z3634.75N/11817.50W/Mt. Whitney
> >
> > Port=1 <UI R Len=103>:
> > NAT      *051553z5312.16N/00633.39E/ Noordelijk
> > AmateurTreffen 26-2-2005.
> >
> > 06:50:20R
> > Port=1 <UI R
> > Len=98>:
> > AERODROM *141003z4201.08N/00044.58E^ Aerodrom Vall D
> > ger pista 00/18
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