[aprssig] New n-N Paradigm getting better!

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sun Jan 9 14:22:48 EST 2005

This is a new draft of the overall USA National Plan for all APRS
digipeaters under the New n-N paradigm as it has evolved
over the last month of discussion.  Notice that WIDE2-2,
SS2-2, RELAY and WIDE are supported at least one hop EVERYWHERE.
This table is followed by a second table to show the proper
settings for the TNCs.  And a 3rd table to tell new users what
to use.

The New n-N Paradigm is based on one primary objectives, that is
to greatly reduce QRM from distant packets with the goal to 
vastly improve local reliablity of APRS everywhere.  It does
this through these significant features:
1) Recognizing the ALOHA limit as a universal measure of 100%
   channel capacity that gives good results in all topologies.
1) Support of universal paths RELAY & WIDE & WIDE2-2 everywhere.
2) Traceability to the first digi in all cases (except LNKn-N)
3) Encourage a single digi entry in a path to eliminate the
   extra dupes caused by multiple generic entries like 
   RELAY,WIDE, and WIDE,WIDE, etc.
4) Eliminate WIDEn-N for N greater than 2 in those areas where 
   it cannot be supported due to high user density and overload

View this table in FIXED FONT only.  This table suggests to APRS
planners what kind of digi system to install at a given location
based on the number of surrounding users and the number of 
surrounding digipeaters within the ALOHA limit.  In the first 
column, an example is also provided...  This table may be hard to 
read in Email due to fonts and line-wrap.  So I will post it to 
a fixed-font WEB page on Monday.

-----  ---------  -------  ---- ------ ------ -----  ----------- 
1200   in range   9600bd   8 of RELAY  none   none   1 hop only  
       of this    UHF X-   any  WIDE                 No n-N 
LA in  high digi  band w/  kind W2-2                 2-2 = once
10 yr             router        SS2-2 

360    in range   1200bd   APRS RELAY  none   none   1 hop only
       of this    UHF X-        WIDE                 No n-N    
LA     high digi  band          W2-2                 2-2 = once
soon                            SS2-2

180    in range   1200bd   APRS RELAY  none   none   1 hop only 
       of this    simplex       WIDE                 No n-N     
Big    high digi                W2-2                 2-2 = once
Metro                           SS2-2                VIGILANCE

90     in range   1200bd   APRS RELAY  LNKn-N SSn-N  2 hop only 
       of this &  simplex  n-N  WIDE          small  No WIDEn-N 
typcal nearby 3                 W2-2          state  W2-2 = once
city   digis                    SS2-2         only   VIGILANCE

60     in range   1200bd   APRS RELAY  LNKn-N SSn-N  2 hop only 
Avrge  of this &  simplex  n-N  WIDE                 No WIDEn-N 
East   nearby 4                 W2-2                 W2-2 = once
Coast  digis                    SSn-N                VIGILANCE

40     in range   1200bd   APRS RELAY  LNKn-N SSn-N  3 hop only 
       of this &  simplex  n-N  WIDE           Wn-N  No n-N      
Kansas 8 other                  Wn-N *             
       digis                    SSn-N*               VIGILANCE


* An "APRS" digi is any digi that supports up to 4  callsign- 
substituting aliases.  This includes the PacComm TRACE-ONLY digis.  
An "n-N" digi is any "APRS" digi that also supports UIFLOOD/UITRACE.

*** In the low-density areas where WIDEn-N, SSn-N and LNKn-N
are supported, any one digi can only suppport 2 of the 3.
Usually this will be Wn-N and LNKn-N since SSn-N is not needed
and since SS2-2 is at least supported one hop everywhere.

"SSn-N in small states" means most of the state or ARRL section
can be hit with 2 hops outward from the center.  Thus a SS7-7
path really only goes 2 hops on average to the edges of this
state's or section's digis, though some outlying areas may
actually use, 3, 4 or 5 to get there

"in range of N other digis" means of the same or more open digi
types.  If there is a big city digi of the *enforced 1-hop* type
that is 2 hops away, then it and all its usrs are not involved
in this count, because it's surrounding ring of *enforced 2-hop* 
digis will not inject QRM into yours nor can yours inject QRM 
into it.

VIGILANCE means that the digi is vulnerable to users of multiple
strings of aliases such as RELAY,WIDE,WIDE,a nd WIDE,WIDE,WIDE
which cause exponential dupes and damage to the network.  We must 
erradicate these paths by user vigilance and education.  Only 
UIDIGI-ROMS and DIGI_NED digipeaters can actually enforce this 
rule.  Thus all other areas have to watch what people are using
and educate them.


This next table suggests the settings for the KPC-3+ digi for
each of these ALOHA and DIGI design types.  We will fill in the
equivalent settings for UIDIGI-ROMS and DIGI_NED TNC's later

-----  ------- -------  -------------  -------------
1200   GEONAME RELAY    none           none
 360           WIDE
 180           WIDE2-2

  90   GEONAME RELAY    ##LNK,30,NOID  SS,30
  60           WIDE

  40   GEONAME RELAY    ##LNK,30,NOID  WIDE,30

1) GEONAME is a geographical descriptor of the coverage of this
digi.  Please use well-known labels that everyone can figure out
This has to fit in a 6 character FCC callsign type field, so I
suggest you could use SSID's of -1, -2, -3, -4 for North, South, 
East and West of a well known city or area.

2) Notice that all of the UIDIGI aliases that have a hop count 
are actually enforced single-hop results in that digi.

3) If there is no 300+ mile interstate passing anywhere near this
digi, then leave UIFLOOD blank.  Making an interstate ##LNKn-N
for an interstate that can be covered end to end with 4 hops or
less is a useless waste of time.

The whole purpose of this New n-N Paradigm is to bring APRS back
to the KISS principle where the rules for the user are simple.
The following table will try to help those users.

------------------------------------- -------  ----------------
FIXED New User, No Clue:              WIDE2-2  works everywhere
FIXED ROUTINE where SSn-N is used:    SS2-2    minimum QRM
FIXED SPECIAL needing STATE coverage: SSn-N    Use with vigilance
FIXED in Wilderness WIDEn-N area:     WIDEn-N  With N < than ALOHA

MOBILE USER, No Clue:                 WIDE2-2  works everywhere
MOBILE NATIONAL TRAVELER:             WIDE2-2  works everywhere
MOBILE INTERSTATE D7/D700/etc         RELAY,##LNKn-N for long haul
MOBILE WITHIN STATE which has SSn-N   SS2-2  or SSn-N for special
MOBILE PREDOMINANTLY in WIDEn-N areas WIDE3-3  May still get one

SSn-N means a two digit State Abbreviation in small and medium
states where it typically takes only 2 hops radially outward
from the center to hit most of the state. (4 hops across).  In
larger states, the state is typically broken down into 2 or more
more manageable ARRL sections, such as EPA and WPA for East and
West Pennsylvania for example.

I think we are getting close to the final answer.
Good luck.

de Wb4APR, Bob

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