[aprssig] Re: Is 9600 Baud Okay on 2Mtr's?

Chris Kantarjiev cak at dimebank.com
Wed Jan 5 11:11:17 EST 2005

>  take a GE Mastr II or a Motorola Mitrek for $25 or
> $50 add $30 in crystals
> and have a true FM radio. 

I've had a hard time finding these radios for cheap in the SF Bay Area
(but I'm new at this and not well connected yet). I ended up with
some Western Radio/Unimetrics units that seem to have been popular
in Canada, from Eric VE3EI, via his Swap Shop: 

Even though it's my first time trying to do this, tuning them
up for APRS hasn't been too bad (still working on one of the
receivers). Eric seems to have a ton of these and the price
was certainly right. I have schematics and info for anyone who
jumps into this particular fray.

(I gotta ask, though - where do you get a pair of crystals for $30?)

73 de chris KG6VYD

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