[aprssig] winlink

Spider spider at rivcom.net
Mon Jan 3 13:09:48 EST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga at usna.edu>
To: <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>; <spider at rivcom.net>
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 8:53 AM
Subject: [Possible Spam]Re: [aprssig] winlink

>>>> spider at rivcom.net 1/1/05 2:13:31 PM >>>
> Regarding using D700/D7's to send email via WinLINK:
>>Bob, let me ask you this.
>>You are working an event or an emergency, etc.
>>You are known to have WinLink Capability.
>>The event coordinator has your winlink email address
>>and sends you a file that needs to go to the sign-in desk.
>>This file is 35k.  How are you going to handle that with
>>the D7/700?
> Maybe I am confused.  I thought WinLINK was for anyone
> to use any time to send and receive Email.  But I am also
> hearing some people say it is ONLY for emergency use
> and only for those people invloved in EOC's and established
> emergency nets.

No it's not just for emergency use....not at all.

> My comments relate to the use of packet Email by anyone
> at any time who may occassionally need to logon to a WInLINK
> node and send more than the half-line Email capability used in APRS.

That's fine but it's a two way street.  Just because you send someone a one 
liner does not mean you are going to get a one liner back.  And you have to 
deal with that somehow.  If I sent you an attachment, you'd really be hosed.

What I am getting at is that is goes way beyone the one liners, is not being 
developed for one liners.  Thus the D7/D700 will only touch the surface of 
the capability you have in front of you.  It's like fighting a fire with a 
1/4" swamp cooler line when you could have a 1-1/2 hose really working for 

Now, stick a computer and a TNC on the D7/D700 and you have something for 
Winlink....mobile, portable, where ever!

> pruposefully try to exclude them from the WinLINK
> Email system by publishing statements like the
> D7 and D700 "dont work with WinLINK" when such
> statements are very missleading.

Most of those comments have come from people using the D7/D700's.  What can 
I say!

Btw, do you have a Winlink.org email address?

I want to send you an email!


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