[aprssig] Further Background and Info on New APRS symbol sets

Jim Andrews jim at stuckinthemud.org
Sat Feb 19 12:48:04 EST 2005

UI-View appears to look for mysymb and uses it before the default symbols.

Can't find anything in the documentation about this, but my system seemed to
recognise the existence of mysymb and use it (requires a restart, but that's

Jim, G1HUL

-----Original Message-----
From: aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org
[mailto:aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org]On Behalf Of Glenn Wiebe
Sent: 19 February 2005 17:36
To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Further Background and Info on New APRS symbol

Thank you Stephen for all the work you've done on APRS symbols. I must confess I
have not followed this thread but I would like to stay 'symbol current'. I have
two questions.

#1) While I am not using UI-VIEW at present I did download
UIview-MySymbols-RevG.zip and had a boo at its contents. What do I do now? I
thought there might be a mysymb file in my UI-VIEW folder to over-write but not

#2 I am using WinAPRS, how do I update its symbol set?

73 de Glenn...VE4GN

Stephen H. Smith wrote:
> It is now becoming apparent to me, based on several emails I have
> received since the release of the new updated APRS symbol sets, that
> many people think the APRS symbols are actually transmittted as tiny
> graphics...................

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