[aprssig] Further Background and Info on New APRS symbol sets

Glenn Wiebe gswiebe at mb.sympatico.ca
Sat Feb 19 12:35:32 EST 2005

Thank you Stephen for all the work you've done on APRS symbols. I must confess I 
have not followed this thread but I would like to stay 'symbol current'. I have 
two questions.

#1) While I am not using UI-VIEW at present I did download 
UIview-MySymbols-RevG.zip and had a boo at its contents. What do I do now? I 
thought there might be a mysymb file in my UI-VIEW folder to over-write but not so.

#2 I am using WinAPRS, how do I update its symbol set?

73 de Glenn...VE4GN

Stephen H. Smith wrote:
> It is now becoming apparent to me, based on several emails I have 
> received since the release of the new updated APRS symbol sets, that 
> many people think the APRS symbols are actually transmittted as tiny 
> graphics...................

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