[aprssig] Callsign URLS

Amateur Radio WB8NUT duffy at wb8nut.com
Sat Dec 31 16:12:27 EST 2005


If I read your web article correctly, you suggest using QSL.Net as part 
of this?  In my opinion that is a very bad idea.  QSL.Net is very slow - 
painfully slow.  You can actually host the website on your own PC 
provided you have a home router, and some free software, and a DSL/Cable 
connection.  That's what I do.  I can also run multiple domains using 
software I paid for for email, web, and FTP.  There are many ways to 
skin the cat, but my opinion, QSL.net is not one of them.  Granted it's 
free, but you really get what you pay for.


Fred Atkinson, WB4AEJ wrote:
> Yes,
>     But Go Daddy doesn't provide a two megabyte POP box and Web access to
> that POP box as part of the package, either.  And you can also use Outlook
> Express to access that POP box.  It is completely independent of your local
> ISP.
>     If you want 'james at kb7tbt.net' and use the Registernames service to
> register kb7tbt.net, then you already have everything you need to make that
> POP box work (this is not email forwarding).  More than likely, Go Daddy
> doesn't give you that (at least they didn't when I created this article).
>     73,
> Fred, WB4AEJ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James" <kb7tbt at gmail.com>
> To: "TAPR APRS Mailing List" <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 3:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] Callsign URLS
>> GoDaddy.com is registering domains for 8.95 for 2 years.
>> 45 bucks for 1 year website and domain.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Fred Atkinson, WB4AEJ" <fred at wb4aej.com>
>> To: "APRS" <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 12:33 PM
>> Subject: [aprssig] Callsign URLS
>>> Folks,
>>>    On another note, I have a ham article showing how to set up a
> callsign
>>> domain Website and custom email address for little money.  If you want
> to
>>> see it, check http://www.wb4aej.com/hamdomain.  You will notice that
> there
>>> is a table of amateur radio callsign domains (http://www.wb4aej.com,
> etc.)
>>> in the enormous table in my article.
>>>    I'm not sure how many folks are on here, but I am fairly sure that
> they
>>> are primarily hams on here.
>>>    If you have a callsign domain, please let me know so I can add it
> there
>>> (it might already be there.  They are sorted like Callbook sorted them
>>> (first by call district, then by call suffix, then by call prefix)).
>>>    And if you don't have one, consider setting one up.  My article will
>>> help you along.
>>>    73,
>>>                                                                    Fred,
>>> WB4AEJ
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