[aprssig] parked cars

Mark Earle wa2mct at mearle.com
Tue Aug 16 14:53:24 EDT 2005

At 11:03 AM 8/16/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>>day...  A car with a GPS turned off and a tracker left on will beacon
>>the same position all day long.  Since it would make the same packet
>Which trackers do that?  I think the TT3 lets you transmit only when it's

A Pic-E using APRS-SPEED will beacon the LAST position if the GPS is turned 
off but the pic-e and radio are left on. BUT, it does it a the low speed 
threshold, or in my case, once every 30 minutes.

I dislike the simple tnc type trackers (D700's, KPC's, TNC2, PicoPacket, 
Alinco 135) that beacon every minute, parked or moving.

My own vehicle, I try and remember to shut it all down when leaving.. two 
commercial radios (Micor in particular) will suck the battery dry if I forget!

I know.. auto-power-off.. it's "on the list".

       ) )    de WA2MCT Mark
      ( (     Echolink 99190      Grid Square EL17HQ
       ) )    You will be assimilated... oooh, coffee!!
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