[aprssig] PCSAT2 not installed on EVA2

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Aug 1 10:10:21 EDT 2005

PCSAT2 was not installed today during EVA2.

It is now scheduled for EVA3 on Wed. 3 Aug.

Telemetry activation wouild then occur about 2200z
on 3 Aug.  1200 baud stations that can feed their
live downlink into the APRS-IS are encouraged to
tune in on 437.975.

9600 baud capable stations are encouraged to 
capture the special 9600 baud downlink and
email to PC2 at grc.nasa.gov and if they have
IGate software to feed it live to satgate.aprsca.net
port 20150.

We are operating in a powerless building so all
my web pages are out this week.  Ground station
is being run on the equivalent of a generator 
outside the window.


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