[aprssig] Latest APRSdos

Cap Pennell cap at cruzio.com
Tue Apr 12 21:24:27 EDT 2005

Bob WB4APR wrote:
> DOWNLOAD  APRS875.zip on tapr:
> http://www.tapr.org/tapr/html/softf.html
> If you use APRSdos, do the ANALYZE command
> for VERSIONS and DOS and get those guys to
> upgrade!  More than 90% of APRSdos users have
> not upgraded in 3 or 4  years!       argh...
> Bob, WB4APR

Good idea.  And we could sure use more help getting the word out about the
new (paradigm) stuff to the rest of the APRS users, of all descriptions.
Around here, it seems most APRSers haven't considered their own digipath
settings for longer than that!  hi
73, Cap KE6AFE

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