[aprssig] APRS in the National Parks...

Kurt Johnson parrots at swbell.net
Thu Apr 7 19:15:51 EDT 2005


    Checked your list out....We changed the Digi in San Antonio TX  that's
the Alamo and the Missions Trail National Historic Park area  New digi using
UI DIGI still in relay/wide (for now) we also, replaced the TNC and Radio
working on a new antenna for the site  Call is N0VH-2 now  thanks for all
you efforts and assistance.

Kurt Johnson K5ZZT
San Antonio, TX
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga at usna.edu>
To: <kf6hjo at earthlink.net>; <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:38 AM
Subject: [aprssig] APRS in the National Parks...

> I just updated the list of APRS coverage in the National Parks.
> I consider coverage of these areas as similar in priority to
> airports because of their natural tendency to attract travelers
> (think  APRS).
> For example over 32 hams a day are in the Grand Canyon
> park.  60 a day are near Lake Meade, etc...
> http://web.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/aprs.html
> Bob
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