[aprssig] The final WIDE2-1,WIDE1-1 solution!

hasan schiers schiers at netins.net
Sat Apr 2 06:23:44 EST 2005

My earlier posting about how to implement the new paradigm in UI-View32 
leads me to ask the following question:

Do we do nothing differently than I had earlier published than just 
eliminating support for RELAY?

It would seem to me that we don't have to do anything...just take RELAY out 
of our ALIAS list and let UI-View32 do its thing.

This way the only change required is the mobiles' unproto path changes from:

RELAY,WIDE2-2  (pretty much the standard around here...we're rural with high 


WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2   (for three hops)


WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 (for two hops)

We are having a state-wide APRS meeting at the Des Moines hamfest the 3rd 
week of this month. It would be nice to get everyone on the same page at 
that meeting.


...hasan, N0AN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga at usna.edu>
To: <aprs at kd4rdb.com>; <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [aprssig] The final WIDE2-1,WIDE1-1 solution!

> And now the New n-N Paradigm is complete!
> 1) WIDEn-N works everywhere for small values of N
> 2) The RELAY-DUPE and WIDE-DUPE problems are solved
> 3) We can still use fill-in digis
> and APRS paths are totally simplified to simply WIDEn-N
> and 2-2 for mobiles and the 1-1,2-1 options for those mobiles
> that think they need it..  Wow , what a day!
> Bob
>>>> bruninga at usna.edu 4/1/05 3:09:49 PM >>>
> Wes, I think you got it!
> 1) We replace RELAY stations with WIDE1-1 stations.
> 2) The general mobile path is WIDE2-2  (or 3-3 if one insists)
> 3)  for those indifviduals that insist they need a fill-in-digi can
> use either of these paths:
> WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2      (in areas that can handle 3 hops)
> WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1      (in WIDE2-2 areas)
> This completely eliminates the RELAY-DUPE-multiplication
> problem and is fully compatible with the New n-N Paradigm.
> But may not work in LA or areas with WIDE2-2-only digis,
> though I think we can fix that too...

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