[aprssig] Bad Paths

Earl Needham needhame1 at plateautel.net
Mon Nov 29 19:35:10 EST 2004

At 05:18 PM 11/29/2004, Steve wrote:

>On Nov 29, 2004, at 7:15 PM, Christensen, Eric wrote:
>>Tried to work with another fellow running RELAY,WIDE4-4 but he refused to 
>>change his path even though I explained how to do so.
>>WD4GYW-14>SWSR9V,KD4PBS-3*,WIDE6-3 <UI R>:'k_\l!k/]"6t}D700-MOBILE
>>NA4GC>APW228,KD4PBS-3*,WIDE4-1 <UI>:=3604.30N/07951.76WNPHG5260/WinAPRS 
>>2.2.8 -NCGUIGREENSBO-228-<530>
>>WB4IUY>APR810,KD4PBS-3*,WIDE6-5 <UI>:=3555.32N/07822.44Wy000/000g 
>What's wrong with RELAY,WIDE4-4?

         Depends on where you are and if that path doesn't cause any 
disruption in the local network.  I sure wouldn't suggest such a path for 
NYC, Washington, DC, LA, etc...

         7 3

Earl Needham, KD5XB, Clovis, New Mexico  DM84jk

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