[aprssig] ID requirements...

Ron Stordahl ron.stordahl at digikey.com
Mon Nov 8 16:29:04 EST 2004


Thanks for your reply.  I had decided to send beacons every 10 minutes 
(local only..i.e. null via) and then every 30 minutes send a beacon 
with  WIDE2-2.  But your reply adds a number of things which I had not 
thought of.

To start with my remote digi's are UIDIGI firmware in MFJ1270C's, while 
your article appears to describe such settings for the KPC3+.  UIDIGI 
does offer some flexibility in beacon transmissions, but probably not 
quite enough to do the job exactly right, but it's close.  UIDIGI 
provides for 3 beacons.  Each beacon can have different text, a 
different via route, including null, and each beacon can have a 
different repetition rate as well as an 'offset time'. 

The best I can come up with using UIDIGI is this:

Beacon 1 sent every 600 seconds, with a time offset of 0 seconds, and a 
'null' via.
Beacon 2 sent every 3600 seconds, with a time offset of 0 seconds, and 
via WIDE
Beacon 3 sent every 3600 seconds, with a time offset of 1800 seconds, 
and via WIDE2-2.

For simplicity lets assume that everything starts up at the top of the 
hour, then Beacon 1 will occur at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40  50 minutes past the 
hour.  Beacon 2 will occur at  0 minutes past the hour.  Beacon 3 will 
occur at 30 minutes past the hour.  Unfortunately when Beacon 2 occurs 
Beacon 1  will  also be sent, just as when Beacon 3 occurs Beacon 1 
will  also be sent.   UIDIGI doesn't provide quite the flexibility to do 
exactly as you describe on 
http://web.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/aprs/digi-rates.txt. The two 'extra' 
beacons per hour will however have null via routes which helps.  At 
least this is my reading of the UIDIGI documentation.  I will test this 
by making remote sysop changes on one of my nearby UIDIGI's.  I think 
this is the best I can do.

Perhaps someone more experienced with UIDIGI has a better way to program 

PLANNING says that each beacon should have identical text.  I can 
certainly do this, but I was not aware that this would be an issue as 
long as the position portion of the beacon was unchanged.

Ron, N5IN

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