[aprssig] Re: [amsat-bb] Re: NO-45

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Jul 26 08:26:34 EDT 2004

>I... have some spare radios and tnc's lying about. [and]
>...internet... 24/7. So... [all]...I need is some Igate software 
>... But not if  I have to spend money for software which 
>I have no particular interest in

I thought most of them are shareware and will still operate
as an IGate whether registered or not.  I'm sure any of the
authors would be happy for you to operate a SATGATE
service for the benefit of others without registering.

Over the last few  years, the most popular software these
days is UIview, though the author, unfortunately is in the
hospital with inoperable cancer.  He is planning on making
it freeware after he is no longer able to maintain it, but asks
the normal registration to be donated to cancer research

Also, I think someone has written an IGate only program
that does not have all the APRS maps and stuff with it.
Hopefully someone who has set up one of those IGates
will jump in and tell us how...


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