[aprssig] Path Precedence

AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Thu Jul 22 08:06:29 EDT 2004

Path's are sequential.  In other words, RELAY,WIDE2-2 will go through a
RELAY then a WIDEn-n then another WIDEn-n digi (actually, as has been
pointed out before, multiple WIDEn-n digi's will probably repeat this
packet due to WIDEn-n digis seeing each other).

WIDE2-2,RELAY is very bad!  You hit one WIDEn-n, let's say.  There are 3
other WIDEn-n's that hear that one (again, this is just an example).
Now those 3 WIDEn-n digis are each heard by 2 other WIDEn-n's that digi
RELAY as well as 3 or 4 homes that digi RELAY.  3*(2+3) = 15 digis of
the packet on the third hop!  And that doesn't even take into account
the fact that many WIDEn-n digis won't dupe check the RELAY path so you
will also get a ping-pong effect.

This last point is why, also, you want to use WIDE2-2 instead of
WIDE,WIDE  Many WIDEn-n digis don't dupe check non-UIFlood packets and
WIDE,WIDE can cause definite ping-pong effects.

Finally, since path's are sequential, it does matter where you put SAR
in your path.

Good question and one that is misunderstood by many who are new to
packet radio.


Pete Loveall AE5PL
mailto:pete at ae5pl.net

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Devanney
> Posted At: Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:43 AM
> Subject: [aprssig] Path Precedence
> I am curious about path structure and precedence.
> For example, a popular path is RELAY, WIDE2-2 (or WIDE, WIDE)
> If the path was WIDE2-2,RELAY would the behaviour of the 
> routing be the same of different?
> If I use an alias for a special event e.x. SAR. Does it 
> matter where in the path statement the SAR is placed.
> 73
> Peter

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