[aprssig] Interstate ##LNKn-N WIlderness advantages

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Dec 13 12:30:48 EST 2004

>>> <dick at kb7zva.com> 12/11/04 3:56:03 PM >>>
>We dropped WIDEn-N  east of San Diego... my RF heard 
>list in Yuma dropped from around 180 stations to 50-60.
>... IGates in San Diego, LA and Yuma, are doing exactly 
>what they were ... designed to do... and that's to handle 
>their 'cell' areas of coverage. We've talked about this theory
>for years, and now it's being used with success east of San Diego.

AND when we go to the interstate ##LNKn-N systems, then
those people that say they need 5 hops in their area to 
get to an IGate can do it *without* QRMING the rest of us!

Just set up a ##LNK3-3 IGate at each end of  this 5
digipeater hop linear wasteland that simply serves this great
expanse.  Thus the Mobiles in that area, and any traffic
destined for them DO get to them, yet the 3 hop packets
from those IGates dont clobber everyone else!  

It is a big win-win for everyone!

Or say if it is not just linear, but a several thousand square
mile wilderness, then go ahead and let all the digis remain 
WIDEn-N, let the few dozen or so users in that vast area 
use WIDE5-5 including the IGATES on the fringes that
serve that vast expanse.

As long as the surrounding metropolitan high-densitiy
digis STOP supporting WIDEn-N then the potential of the
100 QRM packets per packet does NOT go all directions
into the cities, but only the dozen or so go out into the 
WIDE5-5 wilderness where it harms no one.

de Wb4APR, Bob

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