[aprssig] UI-DIGI settings

Dennis Hudson, N2LBT n2lbt at n2lbt.com
Mon Aug 30 18:11:42 EDT 2004

This is a good reference. I'm only confused about the beacon rates and 
offsets. As per the example on Tim's site if Beacon1Interval=600 
seconds and Beacon2Interval=1800 and Beacon3Interval=3600 will there be 
duplication at 30 minutes and a triplicate at 1 hour if there is no 
offset like Bob's suggestions below? Or does only one beacon fire if 
there are two timers that expire simultaneously. If so then you could 
simply use

Beacon1Interval        =       600
Beacon2Interval        =       3600
Beacon3Interval        =       0

Beacon1Offset          =       0
Beacon2Offset          =       0
Beacon3Offset          =       0

Beacon1Text            =       !lat/lon# my digi info(must be the same)
Beacon2Text            =       !lat/lon# my digi info(must be the same)
Beacon3Text            =

Beacon1Path            =
Beacon2Path            =       WIDE2-2
Beacon3Path            =

If not then it looks like Bob's recommendations below should probably 
be correct.
Dennis Hudson, N2LBT
Albany, NY

On Aug 30, 2004, at 1:27 PM, Tim Cunningham wrote:

> Hey Bob,
> I documented some of the settings and their effect at this site:
> http://www.qsl.net/n8deu/uidigi_eprom_settings.htm
> Tim
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Bruninga" <bruninga at usna.edu>
>> Concerning UI-DIGI settings.
>> My experience and WEB pages are based on KPC-3+
>> and so I need to confirm the equivalent settings for
>> a UI-DIGI with regard to improving the APRS channel:
>> I believe:
>> ***  UI FLOOD ALGORITHM should be 0 not 1.
>>       This disables the forced obliteration of prior
>>        path data at each digi... (equivalent to NOID)
>> *** DIGI beacon rates.  Only 3 are available instead
>> of the four in the KPC-3+.  So to get a LOCAL 10
>> minute rate and a 2 hop 30 minute rate I think it
>> should be:
>>   PATH 1 = (direct)
>>   PATH 2 = (direct)
>>   PATH 3 = WIDE2-2
>>   RATE 1 = 30 min
>>   RATE 2 = 30 min
>>   RATE 3 = 30 min
>>   OFFSET1 = 0
>>   OFFSET2 = 10
>>   OFFSET3 = 20
>> And all three BEACON TEXTS must be identical.
>> Otherwise APRS software sees each different one
>> as a CHANGED position and this fills up peoples
>> LOG files...
>> THe above system will generate one packet
>> locally every 10 minutes and one 3 hop packet
>> once every 30 minutes.  which is about right.
>> Did I get this right?
>> Bob, Wb4APR

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