[aprssig] javAPRSSrvr Update

AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Wed Aug 18 07:26:46 EDT 2004

All core servers and most javAPRSSrvr tier 2 servers have upgraded to
the latest version of javAPRSSrvr.  This version incorporates the latest
changes in the q algorithm which prevents passing packets that have a
callsign-SSID in the q construct which is the login of a verified login
when that packet is received via another connection.  In most cases,
this will not affect data transfer as most of those packets were being
duped out anyway.  However, this makes it imperative that you use
different SSID's for any clients connected directly to APRS-IS servers.

This change was made to the q algorithm to better identify potential
loop problems caused by servers and clients with simultaneous
bidirectional connections to multiple servers.  This configuration by
certain servers and clients causes unnecessary load on the servers which
the offending server/client is connected to, provides no improvement of
data integrity, and introduces potential loops.

In addition, javAPRSSrvr will no longer allow multiple verified
connections from the same callsign-SSID.  This is to reduce load on the
server caused by needless extra connections from the same client/server.
This will not affect nonverified connections such as created by
read-only clients like javAPRS.

Keep in mind that the SSID on APRS-IS can be anything (not just 0-15) so
you have a lot of flexibility here.  Also, if you only need a read-only
feed, don't use a verified connection (a read-only passcode is -1).
Finally, out of respect for those gracious enough to provide server
services, don't use multiple simultaneous connections to different
servers.  And certainly don't use multiple simultaneous connections to
the same server.

Currently I have identified on person who is using the same
callsign-SSID for UI-View (Roger, our prayers are with you) and iFilter.
It appears that the iFilter connection is verified although it does not
appear to be sending any packets.  I would recommend changing the
iFilter login to another SSID and making the iFilter login read-only.
Also, out of respect for the server operators, I recommend that only one
connection be made from iFilter to other servers.


Pete Loveall AE5PL
mailto:pete at ae5pl.net 

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