[TangerineSDR] Youtube video - TangerineSDR system bring-up

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 17:26:46 EST 2023

A video tutorial on bringing up a Tangerine SDR based on the MAX10 DEV KIT
and the Data Engine Adaptor
has been uploaded on YouTube.  It's 24 minutes long, covers Quartus, Nios,
and a CLI.  This is only at
test phase 1A - the peripherals work, but the receiver is not yet
processing any samples.

Requirements:Linux based system (Centos7), Receiver Module, Clock Module,
Data Engine Adaptor, and Dev Kit.

video:  https://youtu.be/tN-t-rYzZ00

-- Tom, N5EG
Channel:  https://youtube.com/@n5eg
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