[TangerineSDR] Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 07-26-2021

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 22:02:01 EDT 2021

Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 07-26-2021

1. Bill is using chart.js for magnetometer charting. He is setting up a
database using Django web and database framework for Python.

2. Scotty is looking at the Intel (Altera) Arria 10 GX FPGA 10GX270 for the
version 2 Data Engine (supporting 10GE). These FPGAs appear to be more
available than the MAX10 FPGAs. The intention is to develop DE Ver 1 and DE
Ver 2 in parallel while awaiting FPGA component availability. The 10 GX
development boards are pretty expensive.

-- Tom, N5EG
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