[TangerineSDR] EXT: Re: Upload of magnetometer data
David Waugh
dwaugh at kent.edu
Mon Jul 5 13:23:55 EDT 2021
Thanks Dave, I have been swapping the X and Z and then taking the absolute value of x to correct the sign (and multiplying all axis by 1000 to get to nT’s), hopefully I have that right. I was wondering about the strange periodic offsets (saw tooths) I’m getting in the y axis data (this appeared yesterday after I was working on grounding the Pi). Attached are some some graphs from todays data. -David KE8QEP
The graph below has most of the data today 7/5/21
Below is a closeup of the saw tooth in the Y axis, the larger onetime offset is a car moving.
David A. Waugh, Ph.D.
Research Assistant
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
4209 State Route 44
Rootstown, OH 44272
> On Jul 5, 2021, at 1:10 PM, David Witten <wittend at wwrinc.com> wrote:
> David,
> Concerning the labeling of the axes:
> In the beginning we didn't know how we were going to package and bury the magnetometers.
> The 'runMag' program is written to name the axes as they are marked on the module.
> With the passage of time, it has become apparent that burying the devices in that orientation is impractical and unnecessary.
> Since the axes are (for all purposes we can determine) equivalent, just renaming them seems to be the temporary solution.
> I have been working on storing the orientations of the axes in site metadata, but that is in a revised utility that I haven't had time to finish yet. Until that gets done, the best option seems to be to rename them in your presentation code.
> Dave Witten, KD0EAG
> On Mon, 5 Jul 2021 at 11:36, David Waugh <dwaugh at kent.edu <mailto:dwaugh at kent.edu>> wrote:
> Thanks! I will add the -S KE8QEP Any thoughts on the strange y axis data I was getting? Or maybe it’s better to use the Site ID (I don’t have one yet, but will get one)? Thanks, David
> David A. Waugh, Ph.D.
> Research Assistant
> Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
> 4209 State Route 44
> Rootstown, OH 44272
>> On Jul 5, 2021, at 12:24 PM, David Witten <wittend at wwrinc.com <mailto:wittend at wwrinc.com>> wrote:
>> David,
>> I've linked your data folder into the webserver. It should show up now at https://picomation.net/logdata/ <https://picomation.net/logdata/>. If not, let me know.
>> One issue, your files have the form: pi-20210702-runmag.log. It is better to use the -S <NAME> parameter so that in future there is no confusion comparing logs from more than one site. Others might be tempted to use the 'pi-' prefix, so it could become difficult to distinguish data plotted using multiple sites. Our intention was for people to use something unique - say your call sign or the Site ID that John Gibbons provides to Grape users. Any unique string less than 18 characters will work. As you can see, Dave Larsen has experimented with multiple setups over time. So he has used the runMag parameters '-k -S KVOS', '-k -S KVOS2', and '-k -S KVOS3' to distinguish the prefix for files on each setup.
>> Dave Witten, KD0EAG
>> On Mon, 5 Jul 2021 at 10:54, David Waugh <dwaugh at kent.edu <mailto:dwaugh at kent.edu>> wrote:
>> Thanks Dave! It appears to have worked, as far as I can tell.
>> So I’m hopping that I didn’t kill my magnetometer, yesterday I was adding some grounds to the pi and grape (which seemed to help the grape), everything seemed OK with the magnetometer and the data looked good. At some point I did pull the cat6 cable to the magnetometer while it was running (I think) and after that point (not positive on the timing), my y axis data when cattywampus. I tried restarting everything and that didn’t help, I tried removing the ground that I added to the grape (also connected to the pi). There are a few other grounds I will remove and see if one of them is the issue. It seems strange to me that only one axis is having an issue though. Have you seen anything like this? Attached is both a close up and a graph with all data from today. The big offset on all the axis is my wife’s car moving.
>> I’m having lots of fun with the project and hope I can be useful. I just saw you what looks like a graphing program for the mag data on your GitHub, I will try that out. I’ve never used python, and have been making the graphs in R, which I only sort of know how to do. Thanks, David KE8QEP
>> <magdata.20210705_plot.png>
>> <magdata.20210705_plot_all.png>
>> David A. Waugh, Ph.D.
>> Research Assistant
>> Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
>> 4209 State Route 44
>> Rootstown, OH 44272
>>> On Jul 5, 2021, at 10:48 AM, David Witten <wittend at wwrinc.com <mailto:wittend at wwrinc.com>> wrote:
>>> David,
>>> Great!
>>> I have created an account using your call sign (in lowercase) as the username. The temporary password is 'new5now'. Please login via SSH ASAP and change this to something known only to you using the passwd command.
>>> The rest should follow from the instructions. When you think that you have successfully uploaded some data, email me and I will map it into the Web server.
>>> If you have any difficulty, please let me know and we can work it out.
>>> I really appreciate your participation!
>>> Dave Witten, KD0EAG
>>> On Sun, 4 Jul 2021 at 18:36, David Waugh <dwaugh at kent.edu <mailto:dwaugh at kent.edu>> wrote:
>>> Dave, tomorrow I will work on setting up the rsync and the cron stuff. Your directions were excellent for getting the magnetometer going. I first got it working on a clean instal following all your directions exactly, and then got it working on the same install as the Grape. They seem to be both working well together, as far as I can tell. I’m not a programmer and am new to Pi and linux, more of less, so getting it up and running was great and a results of your documentation. -David
>>> David A. Waugh, Ph.D.
>>> Research Assistant
>>> Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
>>> 4209 State Route 44
>>> Rootstown, OH 44272
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