[TangerineSDR] [HamSCI] HamSCI Article Published in AGU's EOS

Larry Dodd 101science at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 06:34:34 EST 2021

Congratulations Kristina for an outstanding accomplishment in support of HamSCI in general and the PSWS in particular. 

This type of publicity is critical and essential to the success of a project of this magnitude. As a possible expansion of this topic it may be helpful at some point in time to articulate the future vision of specific PSWS data center end products. The processing of hundreds of PSWS data streams could result in multiple ionospheric weather products and predictions of future radio propagation of interest to all amateur radio operators, commercial and government organizations, and the scientific community. 
Larry, K4LED 
Radio JOVE

> On Feb 10, 2021, at 5:56 AM, Khan Tran <khanster408 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Kristina

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