[TangerineSDR] QST September 2021 error

Stan Horzepa stanzepa at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 16:03:50 EDT 2021

To all TAPR members and officers:

The upcoming QST September 2021 article “A Synopsis of the 2021 HamSCI
Virtual Workshop" cites TAPR's presentations and work on the Personal Space
Weather Station.  A major typesetting error occurred at the magazine's
editorial staff in which TAPR's acronym name was confused with another
organization.  This occurred very late in the publication process, was not
correctable, and was unknown to me as the author since it persisted even
after proof corrections.  QST will issue a correction in October's issue,
but nevertheless, I'd like to apologize to the collective for this very
unfortunate problem.

Phil W1PJE
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