[TangerineSDR] HamSCI Bi-Weekly Telecon this Thursday - NVIS and Happy Hour Propagation with Ben Witvliet PE5B

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D. nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu
Tue Oct 27 10:40:13 EDT 2020

Hi HamSCI,

This Thursday, October 29th is our bi-weekly HamSCI Zoom telecon at 1900z / 3 PM Eastern.
Here is the link: https://scranton.zoom.us/j/286316405?pwd=QWdwMlFPbDlYeXg5ZDg1dmYzeFdCUT09
If you are asked for a password, it is “hamsci”.

Dr. Ben Witvliet, PE5B will give a presentation on Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) propagation. Ben will explain the propagation mechanism, related elevation angles, and the splitting of NVIS waves into two fully independent circularly polarized waves, the ordinary (O) and extraordinary (X) waves. Contrary to popular belief, circular polarization is very important on 3.5 and 7 MHz! To prove that this is not just theory, he provides elevation angle measurements and O and X polarization measurements. He will explain the intriguing 'Happy Hour' propagation interval. Also, Ben will demonstrate through simulation and measurement that the optimum antenna height for NVIS is neither 'as low aspossible' and nor 'a quarter wave length'. And that there is a difference between optimum height for transmission and reception. Duration 20-30 minutes, questions after the presentation.

dr. ing. Ben Witvliet [pronounce 'Wit-fleet’] (PE5B) is a radio amateur since the age of 13 in 1974. He lived in New Guinea, The Netherlands, Monaco, Israel, Madagascar and England, where he held the callsigns PA3BXC,PA3BXC/3A2, 4X/PA3BXC, PA5BW, 5R8DS and M0IJQ. He loves CW DX, especially on the low bands. He holds 5BDXCC, obtainedwith 100 Watts and simple antennas. Since the beginning of his radio hobby he has been intrigued by antennas and propagation. He worked in high power broadcast engineering in The Netherlands and was chief engineer of the Radio Netherlands shortwave station in Madagascar, operating two 300 kW transmitters with 17 to23 dBi antennas. He currently works as a technical expert of the Radio Communications Agency of The Netherlands and continues his research in part-time at the University of Twente. Ben obtained his PhD - and the Anton Veder award - in 2015 for his research on NVIS antennas and propagation.

Thanks and 73 de Nathaniel W2NAF

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell, Ph.D., W2NAF
HamSCI Lead
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
University of Scranton
(973) 787-4506

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