[TangerineSDR] Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call 11-09-2020

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 22:28:51 EST 2020

Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 11-09-2020

1. Discussion on magnetometer format. Dave's software currently uses John
Ghibbon's file naming convention, producing highly-compressible ASCII text
files.  The name of the file essentially contains the metadata,and the file
contents contain the data.  The plan is to upload these files from various
testers to central cloud storage.

2. Bill talked through the database layout that ultimately will be used to
house the data. Comments addressed on some of the fields.

3. Discussion of the diameter of the mounting PVC pipe for housing the
magnetometer remote end. Ideally this pipe can be easily buried, providing
temperature regulation of the unit and weather housing.  A straight pipe
makes it easier to plumb and align the magnetic field axis.

-- Tom, N5EG
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