[TangerineSDR] Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 05-25-2020

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon May 25 22:12:18 EDT 2020

Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 05-25-2020

1. Tom volunteered to put together a documentation package for the HF small
dual channel active broadband loop antenna used in the 2015 ionospheric

2. Quite a few folks on the TangerineSDR mail list have not been getting
delivery, intermittent delivery, or seeing 16-24 hour delays.

3. Nathaniel provided a link to a passive gnuradio chirp sounder. The block
diagram seems to match TangerineSDR and dual-receive antennas in a
receive-only mode.
* https://www.sgo.fi/~j/gnu_chirp_sounder/
* https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xX7bOtYAAAAJ&hl=en

-- Tom, N5EG
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