[TangerineSDR] Filename structure, Node info contents, other stuff to ponder

Bill Liles lilesw at gmail.com
Wed May 6 18:50:01 EDT 2020

I am not clear on something. Assume I have four receivers connected to the
RPi. How many node numbers do I have? Just one?

If only one and I collect the same freq range on all four receivers, then
in the FRQ field, I represent each separate receiver such as WWV5A, WWV5B,
etc, etc. Is this correct?

Or do I have 4 nodes running on the same RPi since in the node description
there is antenna information and all the antennas are different?

My actual use case is 6 synced receivers covering the same frequency range
at the same time, all connected to a vector sensor antenna consisting of 6
dipoles and 6 loops. I am just not sure how to handle.

Or is all 6 separate collections merged into one file?

Could someone please explain how I am to handle this situation?

Thank you.

Bill NQ6Z

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 6:16 PM Rob Wiesler via TangerineSDR <
tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org> wrote:

> On Wed, May 06, 2020 at 16:42:44 -0400, John Gibbons wrote:
> > Update to spec - tried to be concise but specific for definitions so
> there
> > is no confusion.
> Thanks.
> Nits:
> '#' is called "hash", not "hashtag".  Children call it "hashtag" because
> Twitter made them stick a "hash" in front of their "tags", and they
> started conflating the hash ('#'), the tag ("getoffmylawn"), and the
> entire hashtag ("#getoffmylawn").  If that bothers you, call it an
> octothorpe.
> There's a typo immediately after that ("Metadata,txt" vs.
> "Metadata.txt").
> More serious issues:
> Please don't set aside any node ID other than "N00000".  Feel free to
> tag any nodes as test nodes either in the database or in the metadata,
> but no spec should try to list them all if there's going to be more than
> just the one (or a larger range of test node IDs).
> Again, Windows 7/10/etc. allow the use of '.' in filenames [0].  If you
> disagree, try running this on a Windows machine:
>         python -c "open('foo-2.5-bar.txt', 'w').close()"
> [0] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file
> Please provide your specifications as plain text files so that I and
> others can make diffs of it instead of having to re-read the whole thing
> every single time (unless you don't want me nitpicking anymore?).  Also,
> you wanted these specifications to end up in version control, right?
> Turning them into plain text is step 1.
> Really serious issues:
> Don't specify the Python code to be anywhere inside the user's home
> directory!  Ever!  We're going to at least try to package up all of the
> code, right?  We'll put our Python modules in a proper namespace, and
> they will be installed in a standard location according to the FHS,
> Python convention, and the distribution's rules for Python packages.
> There's no reason for you to specify any location other than that.  Our
> importable modules will live in PYTHONPATH.  Our binaries will live in
> PATH.  Lintian may scream at us for the state of our packages, but it
> will *not* complain about us trying to install files in /home .
> Don't use "/temp" as a temp directory!  Either use "/tmp" (which exists,
> and is part of the FHS, and actually tends to be temporary), or better
> yet, use some combination of mktemp(1), mkdtemp(3), et. al. to generate
> temp files/directories subdirectory correctly.  In Python, take a look
> at the "tempfile" module.
> --
> TangerineSDR mailing list
> TangerineSDR at lists.tapr.org
> http://lists.tapr.org/mailman/listinfo/tangerinesdr_lists.tapr.org
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