[TangerineSDR] [HamSCI] Re: TangerineSDR Zoom Tonight 9PM EDT / 0100z
Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D.
nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu
Tue Jun 9 05:57:07 EDT 2020
Hi Ben and the group,
Here is the video and audio recordings of last night’s TangerineSDR Zoom call:
Video: https://scranton.zoom.us/rec/share/3tdRceHZ12JIeYX32H3aBKEcMKHEX6a80HRL_6AKmRlhPvgT5_dms-IdZjRisuR0?startTime=1591664412000
Audio: https://scranton.zoom.us/rec/play/uccuJLyu-mg3HoWSsQSDB6coW464J_qs0yEf_PFbyh7jViQDMFGnNbsVY-IJFrx3kS444Ox11pl718GZ
73 de Nathaniel W2NAF
From: hamsci at googlegroups.com <hamsci at googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of pa5bw.ben
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 2:42 AM
To: HamSCI <hamsci at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [HamSCI] Re: TangerineSDR Zoom Tonight 9PM EDT / 0100z
Hi Nathaniel,
Is there a recording, transcript or summary of the meeting of last night?
(And why is 0100z selected as a meeting time, that is 03:00h local here...)
Very curious about the progress with the Orange SDR.
73 Ben
On Monday, 8 June 2020 14:00:05 UTC+2, Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D. wrote:
Hi everyone,
Just a quick reminder that this is our first week of having the TangerineSDR discussions on Zoom, not Teamspeak. The meeting starts tonight at 9 PM Eastern (Tuesday 0100z).
Here is the zoom link: https://scranton.zoom.us/j/91432247420
See you tonight!
73 de Nathaniel W2NAF
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Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell, Ph.D., W2NAF
HamSCI Lead
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
University of Scranton
(973) 787-4506
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