[TangerineSDR] August 2020 PSR Available

Stan Horzepa stanzepa at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 11:23:42 EDT 2020

The August 2020 issue #145 of TAPR’s quarterly newsletter PSR is now
available here <https://tapr.wpengine.com/psr/psr145.pdf> and from the TAPR
website Library. The contents of the PSR #145 is as follows:

   - Virtual ARRL/TAPR DCC, Sept. 11-12
   - TAPR at QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo
   - TAPR Directors Election
   - Donate to TAPR
   - TAPR and COVID-19
   - multi-TCC: A Multi-Channel Timestamping Counter
   - TAPR at Hamcation
   - TAPR Wear Available
   - Experimenting with WSPR Using Raspberry Pi
   - Write Here!
   - On the Net
   - The Fine Prine
   - Our Membership App
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