[TangerineSDR] Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 02-24-2020

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 22:15:19 EST 2020

Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 02-24-2020

1. Dolores Knip group will be installing a science-grade magnetometer at
Univ. Missouri in Columbia, conveniently that will be close to Dave Witten
to potentially enable cross checking the PSWS magnetometer.

2. Discussion of Dayton Hamvention plans from both Nathaniel (Hamsci) and
Scotty (TAPR).

3. The initial Dual-channel Receiver Bill-Of-Material (BOM) cost estimate
is about $140 in single unit quantity. The cost should to drop
significantly for 500 units production volume.

4. Discussion of DE<-->SBC protocol. There are three channel types: Command
channel (program, discovery, create the configuration and data channels),
Configuration channel (list of receiver frequencies, data rates, etc.), and
Data channel.  Initially (first prototype) the one data channel will be
composed of interleaved receiver streams to make it easier to stream to
HDF5. Scotty and Bill will try to document a graphical representation of
how this is supposed to work.

-- Tom, N5EG
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